Xiphophorus Literature List 2018 03 Kees de Jong
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Kees de Jong: Literaturliste zur Gattung Xiphophorus
Xiphophorus alle
(1994): Zwaarddragers negeren evolutietheorie. Poecilia Nieuws (5): 100-100
B. Allen (2003): The Xiphophorus genetic stock center. Livebearers (176): 4-11
J. Altschmied, L. Ditzel & M. Schartl (1997): Hypomethylation of the Xmrk oncogene promoter in melanoma cells of Xiphophorus. Biol. Chem. (378): 1457-1466
J.W. Atz (1962): Effects on hybridization on pigementation in fishes of the genus Xiphophorus. Zoologica (4): 153-181
H. Auer (2003): Myron Gordon und die Geschichte der genetischen Erforschung der Schwertträger. DGLZ-Rundschau (2): 41-45
H. Auer (2004): Von fastenden Kojoten und großen Ichtyologen - Kleine Namenskunde bei den Schwertträgern. DGLZ-Rundschau (1): 14-18
A. Bartsch (1963): Plaatjes. Het Aquarium (6): 138-141
A.L. Basolo (1996): The phylogenetic distribution of a female preference. Systematic biology (3): 290-307
C. Cheswright (1994): Down Mexico way. Viviparous (26): 0-9
C. Cheswright (2004): An A-Z of Xiphophorus. Livebearer News (7): 7-14
R. Cui et al (2013): Phylogenomics reveals extensive reticulate evolution in Xiphophorus fishes. Evolution (8): 2166-2179
Z.W. Culumber & M. Tobler (2016): Ecological divergence and conservatism: spatiotemporal patterns of niche evolution in a genus of livebearing fishes (Poeciliidae: Xiphophorus). BMC Evolutionary Biology (): 1-16
J. Delfgaauw et al. (2003): MITF-M plays an essential role in transcriptional activation and signal transduction in Xiphophorus melanoma. Gene (320): 117-126
W.J.M. Deutz (1955): Zwaarddragers. Waterweelde (10): 173-175
V. Diekmann (2007): Anmerkungen zur Artenvielfalt in der DGLZ. DGLZ-Rundschau (1): 15-19
V. Diekmann (2007): Eine kurze Übersicht über die Gattung Xiphophorus. DGLZ-Rundschau (2): 52-56
V. Diekmann (2008): Systematiek van en soortgroepen binnen het genus Xiphophorus. Poecilia Nieuws (2): 10-14
D. Franck (1968): Weitere Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Ethologie der Gattung Xiphophorus (Pisces). Behaviour (1): 76-95
B. Friedman & M. Gordon (1934): Chromosome numbers in Xiphophorin fishes. The American Naturalist (718): 446-455
A. Gómez et al (2004): Identification of a second egfr gene in Xiphophorus uncovers an expansion of the epidermal growth factor receptor family in fish. Mol. Biol. Evol (21): 266-275
M. Gordon (1997): What does the "gravid spot" mean?. Livebearers (149): 24-26
M.D. Green, M.G.P. van Veller & D.R. Brooks (2002): Assessing modes of speciation: range asymmetry and biogeographical congruence. Cladistics (18): 112-124
S.S. Greenberg & M.J. Kopac (1965): Electrophoretic studies of Xiphophorin fishes and their melanoma-bearing hybrids. Physiological Zoology (2): 149-157
R.C. Griffiths (1987): Those amazing swords Part I. Livebearers (93): 12-14
T. Hayes (1974): Look (or perhaps we shoud say think) before crossing. Livebearers (16): 15-16
W. Heinrich & J.H. Schröder (1986): Tentative findings on the phylogenetic relationship within the genus Xiphophorus with regard to the frequency distribution of sexual behavior patterns. Ber. nat. - med. Verein Innsbruck (73): 187-197
H. Hieronimus (1994): Xiphophorus-Genetik, Teil II. DGLZ-Rundschau (4): 88-90
H. Hieronimus (1994): Xiphophorus-Genetik, Teil I. DGLZ-Rundschau (3): 64-66
H. Hieronimus (1996): De kleine zwaarddragers. Poecilia Nieuws (3): 48-51
H. Hieronimus (2013): Neues bei Xiphophorus - Genetische Untersuchungen der Verwandschaftsbeziehungen. DGLZ-Rundschau (1): 5-7
J. Hyoun Kang et al (2013): Comprohensive phylogenetic analysis of all species of swordtails and platies uncovers a hybrid origin of a swordtail fish,Xiphophorus monticolus, and demonstrates that the sexually selected sword originated in the
D. Isla (1991): Livebearer interview: Dr. Klaus Kallman. Livebearers (115): 7-10
K. Jacobs (1976): Die Neugliderung der Gattung Xiphophorus. Das Aquarium (5): 194-195
J.C. Jones et al (2013): The evolutionary history of Xiphophorus fish and their sexually selected sword: a genome-wide approach using restriction site-associated DNA sequencing. Molecular Ecology (22): 2986-3001
K. de Jong (2005): De platy's. Poecilia Nieuws (3): 3-7
K. de Jong (2005): Die Schwertträger-Wildformen für jeden Aquarianer interessant. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (1&2): 23-33
K. D. Kallman (): The Platyfish, Xiphophorus maculatus. handbook of genetics (4): 81-132
K. D. Kallman (2001): How the Xiphophorus problem arrived in San Marcos, Texas. Mar. Biotechnol. (3): 6-16
K.D. Kallman & S. Kazianis (2006): The genus Xiphophorus in Mexico and Central America. Zebrafish (3): 271-285
J.H. Kang et al (2013): Comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of all species of swordtails and platies uncovers a hybrid origin of a swordtail fish, Xiphophorus monticolus, and demonstrates that the sexually selected sword originated in the
S. Kazianis (2006): Historical, present, and future use of Xiphophorus fishes for research. Zebrafish (1): 9-10
M. Köck (2012): Het geslacht Xiphophorus. Poecilia Nieuws (3): 11-27
D. Lambert (0): The Panuco bassin swordtails. Viviparous (13): 0-
D. Lambert (1990): The wild platies and swordtails. Livebearers (114): 3-7
D. Lambert (2004): The wild platies and swordtails. Livebearers (183): 19-24
J.K. Langhammer (1991): Changes in the names of swordtails. Livebearers (115): 11-12
J.K. Langhammer (1997): Additional thought on gravid spots. Livebearers (149): 26-27
F. Liberge (2013): S'initier au jugement des XMP. Le Vivipare (118): 22-30
P.J. Lockhart, D. Penny & A. Meyer (1995): Testing the phylogeny of swordtail fishes using split decomposition and spectral analysis. J. Mol. Evol. (41): 666-674
B. Malitschek, Wittbrodt, Fischer, Lammers, Ullrich & Schartl (1994): Autocrine stimulation of Xmrk receptor tyrosine kinase in Xiphophorus melanoma cells and identification of a source for the physological ligand. Journal of Biological
J. Mangan (1997): The truth about Hi-fin Xiphophorus genetics. Livebearers (145): 19-22
J.M. Marcus & A.R. McCune (1999): Ontongeny and phylogeny in the Northern swordtail clade of Xiphophorus. Systematic biology (3): 491-522
D.E. Mefford (1997): How does hi-fin and plumetail work?. Livebearers (147): 19-19
M.K. Meyer (1993): Schwertträger. Aqua geographica (4): 82-85
A. Meyer et al (1994): Recurrent origin of a sexually selected trait in Xiphophorus fishes inferred from a molecular phylogeny. Nature (368): 539-542
A. Meyer, W. Salzburger & M Schartl (2006): Hybrid origin of a swordtail species (Teleostei: Xiphophorus clemenciae) driven by sexual selection. Molecular Ecology (j.1365-294X.2006.02810.x): 1-10
D. Mitchell et al (2014): Interspecific variation in the repair of UV damaged DNA in the genus Xiphophorus as a factor in the decline of the Río Grande platyfish. Photochemistry and Photobiology (): -
D.C. Morizot et al (1991): Genetic linkage map of fishes of the genus Xiphophorus. Genetics (127): 399-410
N. Offen, N. Blum, A. Meyer & G. Begemann (2008): Fgfr I signalling in the development of a sexually selected trait in vertebrates, the sword of swordtail fish. BMC Developmental Biology (98): 1-18
K. Pfand (1977): V. DDR Xipho-Schau in Sömmerda. Aquarien Terrarien (6): 194-194
F.N. Poeser (1996): Erfelijkheid en geslachtsbepaling. Poecilia Nieuws (6): 147-151
A. Pomiankowski (1994): Swordplay and sensory bias. Nature (368): 494-495
B. Poßeckert (1994): Bewertungsrichtlinie Wildformen - Standard Zuchtformen (Xiphophorus). DGLZ-Rundschau (Sonderheft): 1-32
A.C. Radda (1980): Synopsis der Gattung Xiphophorus Heckel. Aquaria (27): 39-44
C.M. Rodriguez (1997): Phylogenetic analysis of the tribe poeciliini. Copeia (4): 663-679
D.E. Rosen (1960): Middle-American Poeciliid Fishes of the genus Xiphophorus. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum (4): 58-243
D.E. Rosen (1979): Fishes from the uplands and intermontane basins of Guatemala: Revisionary Studies and Comparative Geography. Bulletin American Museum of Natural History (162): 268-375
D.E. Rosen & K.D. Kallman (1969): A new fish of the genus Xiphophorus from Guatemala, with remarks on the Taxonomy of Endemic Forms. American Museum Novitates (2379): 1-29
G.G. Rosenthal (2010): Swordtails and platyfishes. in: Breed & More (eds) Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (3): 363-367
G.G. Rosenthal & F.J. García de León (2006): Sexual Behavior, Genes, and Evolution in Xiphophorus. Zebrafish (1): 85-90
G. Salgado-Maldonado (2004): Helminth parasites of freshwater fishes of the Pánuco river basin. Comp. Parasitol. (2): 190-202
A. Savastio (1988): Hybridization between swordtails and platies. Livebearers (102): 3-4
M. Schart et al (1998): Triplet repeat variability in the signal peptide sequence of the Xmrk receptor tyrosine kinase gene in Xiphophorus fish. Gene (224): 17-21
A. Seidel & H. Seidel (1988): Die Geschichte der Schwertträger Teil I: Xiphophorus oder Platypoecilus: das ist hier die Frage. Das Aquarium (März): 36-42
A. Seidel & H. Seidel (1988): Die Geschichte der Schwertträger Teil II "Art oder Unterart, das ist hier die Frage". Das Aquarium (Mai): 280-283
R. Serva (2006): Identifying the wild swordtails. Genus Xiphophorus. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (april): 98-110
I. Sinclair (2004): The parable of the six loafers and two small fishes. Livebearer News (7): 17-21
D. Speirs (1991): Swordtail evolution. Livebearers (119): 14-15
V. Tribius (1990): Schwertträger unteridisch. DGLZ-Rundschau (3): 4-12
J.R. Vielkind, K.D. Kallman & D.C. Morizot (1989): Genetics of Melanomas in Xiphophorus fishes. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health (1): 69-77
W. Voigt (2002): "Spiegelkärpflinge" Eine Monographie von Dr. Myron Gordon. Das Aquarium (11): 31-33
J.-N. Volff & M. Schartl (2004): Hautkrebs bei Fischen: ein Tumorgen und die Folgen. DGLZ-Rundschau (4): 97-99
R.B. Walter & S. Kazianis (2001): Xiphophorus interspecies hybrids as genetic models of inducec neoplasia. ILAR Journal (4): 299-321
S. Weis & M. Schartl (1998): The macromelanophore locus and the melanoma oncogene Xmrk are separate genetic entities in the genome of Xiphophorus. Genetics (149): 1909-1920
J.J. Wiens & M.R. Morris (1996): Character definitions, sexual selection, and the evolution of swordtails. American Naturalist (5): 866-869
C. Winkler, Wittbrodt, Lammers, Ullricht & Schartl (1994): Ligand-dependent tumor induction in medakafish embryos by Xmrk receptor tyrosine kinase transgene. oncogene (9): 1517-1525
L. Wischnath (1997): Xiphophorus Les formes sauvage. Aquarama (156): 12-19
C.D. Zander (1967): Ökologische und morphologische Beiträge zur Systematik und geographischen Verbreitung der Gattung Xiphophorus. Mitt. Hamburg. Zool. Mus. Inst. (64): 37-125
C.D. Zander (1975): Genetische Merkmalsanalyse als Hilfmittel bei der Taxonomie der Zahnkarpfen-Gattung Xiphophorus. Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.-forsch. (13): 63-78
H. Zauner, G. Begemann, M. Marì-Beffa & A. Meyer (2003): Differential regulation of msx genes in the development of the gonopodium, an intromittent organ, and of the "sword", a sexually selected trait of swordtail fishes (Xiphophorus).
Xiphophorus alvarezi Rosen, 1960
H. Auer (2012): Von fastende Koyoten und großen Ichthyologen - Keine Namenskunde von den Schwertträgern. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (1): 22-25
T. Coletti (2010): Livebearer unlimited The southern swordtails. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (Feb): 32-34
G. Daul (1995): Der blaue Schwertträger. DATZ (3): 197-197
D. Hughes-Phillips (2010): Guatemala trip 2007. Livebearers (209): 28-41
K. D. Kallman (1989): Genetic Control of Size at Maturity in Xiphophorus. Ecology & Evolution of Livebearing Fishes (Poeciliidae) (): 163-184
K.D. Kallman & I.Y. Bao (1987): Female heterogamety in the swordtail, Xiphophorus alvarezi Rosen (Pisces, Poeciliidae), with comments on a natural polymorphism affecting sword coloration. Journal of Experimental Zoology (243): 93-102
M. Köck (2012): Mit und ohne Schwert: Die Gattung Xiphophorus Teil 1: Die SüdlichenSchwertträger. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (1): 12-21
M. Köck (2012): Het geslacht Xiphophorus. Poecilia Nieuws (3): 11-27
M. de Lourdes Lozano Vilano & S. Contreras Balderas (1987): Lista zoogeografica y ecologica de la ictiofauna continental de Chiapas, Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist (2): 223-236
L. van der Meer (2007): Xiphophorus alvarezi Rosen, 1960. Poecilia Nieuws (1): 29-31
M.K. Meyer (1996): Schwertträger Xiphophorus helleri- und X. nigrensis-Komplex. Das Aquarium (329): 14-17
C.E. Oufiero, K. Jugo & T. Garland jr (2014): Swimming with a sword: tail beat kinematics in relation to sword length in Xiphophorus. Functional Ecology (): -
A.C. Radda (1982): Synopsis der Gattung Xiphophorus Heckel. DGLZ-Rundschau (2): 25-30
D.E. Rosen (1960): Middle-American Poeciliid Fishes of the genus Xiphophorus. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum (4): 58-243
R. Serva (2005): The Genus Xiphophorus Part 1, the Swordtails. Livebearers (184): 4-25
L. Wischnath (1982): Nieuwe zwaarddragers uit Mexico. TI'H (29): 41-42
L. Wischnath (1982): Op zoek naar Priapella compressa en Xiphophorus alvarezi. Het Aquarium (11): 313-315
L. Wischnath (1982): Naar Mexico, het land van de levendbarenden. TI'H (29): 39-41
L. Wischnath (1983): Trichocoronis rivularis, Gray. Een nieuwe aquariumplant. Het Aquarium (3): 76-78
L. Wischnath (1995): Zwaarddrager wildvormen, deel 2. Het Aquarium (12): 290-293
L. Wischnath & M. Meyer (1985): Xiphophorus-Natur-Hybriden. DGLZ-Rundschau (1): 15-17
Xiphophorus andersi Meyer & Schartl, 1980
H. Auer (2012): Von fastende Koyoten und großen Ichthyologen - Keine Namenskunde von den Schwertträgern. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (1): 22-25
D. Gentzsch (1989): Ergänzende Hinweise zum Erstimport des Gelben Schwertschwanzplatys Xiphophorus andersi nach Europa. ZAG Lebendgebärende Zahnkarpfen (4): 12-12
K. de Jong (1988): Xiphophorus andersi, met uitsterven bedreigd; het Atoyac zwaardplaatje. Poecilia Nieuws (2): 25-26
K. de Jong (1989): Xiphophorus andersi, vom aussterben bedroht. ZAG Lebendgebärende Zahnkarpfen (4): 11-12
K. de Jong (1992): Hoe lang nog?. Picasso onder water (): 0-
K. de Jong (1996): Een nieuwe aanpak. Poecilia Nieuws (2): 26-29
K. de Jong (1999): Het Atoyac zwaardplaty (Xiphophorus andersi, Meyer & Schartl 1979). Poecilia Nieuws (3): 55-61
K. de Jong (2001): De Atoyac zwaardplaty Xiphophorus andersi. Het Aquarium (6): 214-216
K. de Jong (2004): Der Atoyac Schwertplaty (Xiphophorus andersi, Meyer & Schartl 1979). Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (2): 8-14
K. de Jong (2005): Xiphophorus andersi Meyer & Schartl, 1980. Poecilia Nieuws (3): 13-16
K. D. Kallman (1989): Genetic Control of Size at Maturity in Xiphophorus. Ecology & Evolution of Livebearing Fishes (Poeciliidae) (): 163-184
M. Köck (2006): Lebendgebärende in Zoologische Gärten VIII: Das Mexiko-Haus im Tiergarten Schönbrunn im Wien. DGLZ-Rundschau (3): 98-102
M. Köck (2013): Mit und ohne Schwert: Die Gattung Xiphophorus Teil 3: Die Platys. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (2): 9-20
M. Köck (2014): Met en zonder zwaard: Het geslacht Xiphophorus deel 3 de platy's. Poecilia Nieuws (3): 21-41
J.K. Langhammer (1999): New Phylogenetic relationships proposed for Xiphophorine species. Livebearers (155): 27-28
E. Marcisz (1986): The goldburst platy - an F1 hybrid. Livebearers (91): 3-4
M.K. Meyer & M. Schartl (1980): Eine neue Xiphophorus-Art aus Vera Cruz, Mexiko. Senckenbergiana biol. (60): 147-151
M.K. Meyer & M. Schartl (1981): Eine neue Xiphophorus-Art aus Vera Cruz, Mexiko. DGLZ-Rundschau (3): 34-38
W. Noack (1980): Op zoek naar nieuwe vissoorten. TI'H (23): 28-29
H. Obregón-Barboza, S. Contreras-Balderas & M. Lozano-Vilano (1994): The fishes of northern and central Veracruz, Mexico. Hydrobiologica (286): 79-95
A.C. Radda (1982): Synopsis der Gattung Xiphophorus Heckel. DGLZ-Rundschau (2): 25-30
A. Savastio (1985): A cross between a wild & domestic swordtail. Livebearers (82): 7-7
R. Serva & G. Tash (1997): In sort of the "wild" red swordtail (amongst other things). Viviparous (39): 0-
S. Teutloff (1989): Auch ein Schwertschwansplaty.... ZAG Lebendgebärende Zahnkarpfen (2): 1-3
R.B. Walter et al (2004): A microsatellite genetic linkage map for Xiphophorus. Genetics (168): 363-372
A. Weissenbacher (2009): Erhaltungszucht von Fischen im Tiergarten Schönbrunn. Aquaristik Fachmagazin (6): 8-13
L. Wischnath (0): Le Rio Atoyac au Mexique, le berceau de raretés aquariophiles. Aquarama (): 11-15
L. Wischnath (1980): Een nieuwe zwaardplaty uit Mexico. TI'H (23): 28-28
L. Wischnath (1981): Naar Mexico, het land van de levendbarende vissen. TI'H (24): 35-37
L. Wischnath (1982): Naar Mexico, het land van de levendbarenden. TI'H (29): 39-41
L. Wischnath (1996): Wildvormen van het geslacht Xiphophorus deel 3 - platy's. Het Aquarium (1): 7-9
Xiphophorus bastaard
M. Hellweg (2014): Mike's fishrooom The hybrid menace: stirring the pot. Livebearers (224): 16-17
Xiphophorus birchmanni Lechner & Radda, 1987
M. Ah-King & P.A. Gowaty (2016): A conceptual review of mate choice: stochastic demography, within-sex phenotypic plasticity, and individual flexibility. Ecology and Evolution (14): 4607-4642
H. Auer (2012): Von fastende Koyoten und großen Ichthyologen - Keine Namenskunde von den Schwertträgern. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (1): 22-25
K. Boulton et al (2015): How integrated are behavioral and endocrine stress response traits? A repeated measures approach to testing the stress-coping style model. Ecology and Evolution (3): 618-633
K. Boulton et al (2016): Sex-specific plasticity and genotype x sex interactions for age and size of maturity in the sheepshead swordtail, Xiphophorus birchmanni. J. Evol. Biol. (29): 645-656
C. Cheswright (0): A Christmas trip to Mexico. Viviparous (42): 0-
S.W. Coleman & G. G. Rosenthal (2006): Swordtail fry attend to chemical and visual cues in detecting predators and conspecifics. Plos1ne (1): 1-4
S.W. Coleman et al (2009): A field-study of inducible molecular defenses, ultraviolet radiation, and melanomagenesis in natural Xiphophorus hybrids. Environmental Biology of Fishes (86): 279-284
T. Coletti (2010): Livebearers unlimited The northern mountain swordtails. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (March): 32-35
Z. Culumber (2013): Aquarium science: Variation in wild swordtails. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (5): 64-68
Z. Culumber (2014): Pigmentation in Xiphophorus: an emerging system in ecological and evolutionary genetics. Zebrafish (1): 57-70
Z. Culumber (2018): Impact of environmental change on wild livebearer populations. Livebearers (237): 9-15
Z.W. Culumber & G.G. Rosenthal (2013): Population-level mating patterns and fluctuating asymmetry in swordtail hybrids. Naturwissenschaften (100): 801-804
Z.W. Culumber et al (2010): Replicated hybrid zones of Xiphophorus swordtails along an elevational gradient. Molecular Ecology (20): 342-356
Z.W. Culumber et al (2012): Physiological adaptation along environmental gradients and replicated hybrid zone structure in swordtails (Teleostei: Xiphophorus). Journal of Evolution Biology (25): 1800-1814
Z.W. Culumber, O.M. Ochoa & G.G. Rosenthal (2014): Assortative mating and the maintenance of population structure in a natural hybrid zone. American Naturalist (2): 225-232
N. Dokoupil (1997): Ein Schwertträger ohne Schwert. DATZ (1): 35-37
R.L. Earley (2006): Xiphophorus: carving a niche towards a broader understanding of aggression and dominance. Zebrafish (3): 287-298
H.S. Fisher & G.G. Rosenthal (2006): Female swordtail fish use chemical cues to select well-fed males. Anim. Behav. (72): 721-725
H.S. Fisher & G.G. Rosenthal (2006): Hungry females show stronger mating preferences. Behavioral Ecology (17): 979-981
H.S. Fisher & G.G. Rosenthal (2007): Male swordtails court with an audience in mind. Biol. Lett. (3): 5-7
H.S. Fisher & G.G. Rosenthal (2009): Relative abundance of Xiphophorus fishes and its effect on sexual communication. Ethology (116): 32-38
H.S. Fisher & G.G. Rosenthal (2010): Relative abundance of Xiphophorus fishes and its effect on sexual communication. Ethology (116): 32-38
H.S. Fisher, B.B.M. Wong & G.G. Rosenthal (2006): Alteration of the chemical environment disrupts communication in a freshwater fish. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. (273): 1187-1193
H.S. Fisher, S.J. Mascuch & G.G. Rosenthal (2009): Multivariate male traits misalign with multivariate female preferences in the swordtail fish, Xiphophorus birchmanni. Animal Behaviour (78): 265-269
C. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, A. Shearer, M. Morris & K. de Queiroz (2008): Phylogeography and monophyly of the swordtail fish species Xiphophorus birchmanni. Zoologica Scripta (37): 129-139
D. Harper (2014): Swordtail discoveries. Popular Fishkeeping (Summer): 71-71
H. Hieronimus (1989): Noch rar in Aquarien: Xiphophorus birchmanni. DATZ (9): 522-523
H. Hieronimus (1992): Die kleinen Schwertträger. DGLZ-Rundschau (1): 8-10
H. Hieronimus (2007): Neues zu Xiphophorus cortezi. DGLZ-Rundschau (4): 103-105
J.B. Johnson, D.C. Macedo, C.N. Passow & G. Rosenthal (2014): Sexual ornaments, body morphology, and swimming performance in naturally hybridizing swordtails (Teleostei: Xiphophorus). Plos1ne (10): 1-10
K. de Jong (1988): Revisie van de Xiphophorus montezumae/cortezi groep en beschrijving van een nieuwe ondersoort. Poecilia Nieuws (6): 83-86
K. de Jong (2003): Op zoek naar zwaarddragers in Mexico 2002. Poecilia Nieuws (4): 54-68
K. de Jong (2003): Auf der Suche nach den Schwertträgern, Mexiko 2002 (Teil 1). Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (3/4): 53-67
K. de Jong (2008): De smaak van water. Poecilia Nieuws (2): 19-20
K. de Jong (2018): Xiphophorus birchmanni Lechner & Radda, 1987. Poecilia Nieuws Atlas (): -
K. de Jong (2018): De smaak van water. Het Aquarium (1): 49-49
H.K. Kindsvater, G.G. Rosenthal & S.H. Alonzo (2012): Maternal size and age shape offspring size in a live-bearing fish, Xiphophorus birchmanni. Plos1ne (11): 1-8
H.K. Kindsvater, S.E. Simpson, G.G. Rosenthal & S.H. Alonzo (2013): Male diet, female experience, and female size influence maternal investment in swordtails. Behavioral Ecology (3): 691-697
M. Köck (2012): Mit und ohne Schwert; Die Gattung Xiphophorus Teil 2: Die Nördlichen Schwertträger. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (2): 12-25
M. Köck (2013): Het geslacht Xiphophorus Deel 2 De noordelijke zwaarddragers. Poecilia Nieuws (5): 8-26
D. Lambert (0): Xiphophorus birchmanni. Viviparous (38): 0-
D. Lambert (1996): The search for Skiffia francesae The Aquarian Expedition 1996. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (november): 118-133
P. Lechner & A.C. Radda (1988): Revision des Xiphophorus montezumae/cortezi-Komplexes und Neubeschreibung einer Subspezies. DGLZ-Rundschau (2): 4-11
L. van der Meer (2008): Xiphophorus birchmanni. Poecilia Nieuws (3): 20-21
M.K. Meyer (1988): Mexiko 1987, (Teil 2). DGLZ-Rundschau (3): 4-11
J. de Moree (2005): Xiphophorus birchmanni en malinche. Poecilia Nieuws (2): 8-10
M.R. Morris & K. Casey (2001): Phylogenetic relationships among populations of norther swordtails (Xiphophorus) as inferred from allozyme data. Copeia (1): 65-81
M.R. Morris, M. S. Tudor & N.S. Dubois (2007): Sexually selected signal attracted females before deterring aggression in rival males. Anim. Behav. (74): 1189-1197
H. Obregón-Barboza, S. Contreras-Balderas & M. Lozano-Vilano (1994): The fishes of northern and central Veracruz, Mexico. Hydrobiologica (286): 79-95
G.G. Rosenthal et al (2003): Dissolution of sexual signal complexes in a hybrid zone between the swordtails Xiphophorus birchmanni and Xiphophorus malinche. Copeia (2): 299-307
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R. Serva & G. Tash (1998): Collecting sheepshead and highland swordtails (Xiphophorus birchmanni and Xiphophorus malinche) in the Rio Calnali. Livebearers (152): 14-18
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B.B.M. Wong & G.G. Rosenthal (2005): Shoal choice in swordtails when preferences conflict. Ethology (111): 179-186
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Xiphophorus clemenciae Alvarez, 1959
J. Alvarez (1959): Nuevas especies de Xiphophorus e Hyporamphus procedentes del Rio Coatzacoalcos. Ciencia (19): 69-73
H. Auer (2012): Von fastende Koyoten und großen Ichthyologen - Keine Namenskunde von den Schwertträgern. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (1): 22-25
R. Borowsky (1978): The tailspot polymorphism of Xiphophorus (Pisces: Poeciliidae). Evolution (4): 886-893
T. Coletti (2010): Livebearer unlimited The southern swordtails. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (Feb): 32-34
K. Heller & T. Rehbeck (1996): Zuchtversuch mit Xiphophorus clemenciae "Rio Sarabia, Oaxaca, Mexiko". DGLZ-Rundschau (2): 35-36
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M. Köck (2012): Het geslacht Xiphophorus. Poecilia Nieuws (3): 11-27
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J. Mallet (2007): Hybrid speciation. Nature (March): 279-283
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A.C. Radda (1982): Synopsis der Gattung Xiphophorus Heckel. DGLZ-Rundschau (2): 25-30
M. Schumer et al (2012): An evaluation of the hybrid speciation hybrid hypothesis for Xiphophorus clemenciae based on whole genome sequences. Evolution (4): 1155-1168
R. Serva (2005): The Genus Xiphophorus Part 1, the Swordtails. Livebearers (184): 4-25
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Xiphophorus continens Rauchenberger, Kallman & Morizot, 1990
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T. Coletti (2010): Livebearers unlimited The northern mountain swordtails. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (March): 32-35
M. Köck (2012): Mit und ohne Schwert; Die Gattung Xiphophorus Teil 2: Die Nördlichen Schwertträger. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (2): 12-25
M. Köck (2013): Het geslacht Xiphophorus Deel 2 De noordelijke zwaarddragers. Poecilia Nieuws (5): 8-26
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E. Meinema (1991): Vier nieuwe zwaarddragers van het Rio Panuco stroomgebied (Oost Mexico). Poecilia Nieuws (2): 28-30
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L. Wischnath (1995): Zwaarddrager wildvormen, deel 2. Het Aquarium (12): 290-293
Xiphophorus cortezi Rosen, 1960
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A.A. Fernandez (2010): A cancer-causing gene is positively correlated with male aggression in Xiphophorus cortezi. J. Evol. Biol. (23): 386-396
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D. Franck (1970): Verhaltungsgenetische Untersuchungen an Artbastarden der Gattung Xiphophorus (Pisces). Z. Tierpsychol. (1): 1-34
M. Gordon (1942): The true Montezumae swordtail's tenth year in the aquarium. The Aquarium (April): 196-197
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C. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, A. Shearer, M. Morris & K. de Queiroz (2008): Phylogeography and monophyly of the swordtail fish species Xiphophorus birchmanni. Zoologica Scripta (37): 129-139
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H. Hieronimus (1992): Die kleinen Schwertträger. DGLZ-Rundschau (1): 8-10
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Xiphophorus couchianus (Girard, 1859)
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Xiphophorus evelynae Rosen, 1960
H. Auer (2012): Von fastende Koyoten und großen Ichthyologen - Keine Namenskunde von den Schwertträgern. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (1): 22-25
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Xiphophorus malinche Rauchenberger, Kallman & Morizot, 1990
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Xiphophorus mayae Meyer & Schartl, 2002
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Xiphophorus meyeri Schartl & Schröder, 1988
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Xiphophorus milleri Rosen, 1960
H. Auer (2012): Von fastende Koyoten und großen Ichthyologen - Keine Namenskunde von den Schwertträgern. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (1): 22-25
R. Fischer (1995): Three wild platys. Livebearers (139): 15-139
D. Franck (1970): Verhaltungsgenetische Untersuchungen an Artbastarden der Gattung Xiphophorus (Pisces). Z. Tierpsychol. (1): 1-34
H. Hieronimus (2008): Neues vom Catemacosee - Heterandria tuxtlaensis als neuer endemischer Poeciliide. DGLZ-Rundschau (3): 55-57
K. de Jong (1997): Een eenvoudig visje: het Catemaco platy, Xiphophorus milleri Rosen, 1960. Poecilia Nieuws (6): 107-114
K. de Jong (1998): Xiphophorus milleri Rosen, 1960 de Catemaco platy. Aquariumwereld (10): 236-240
K. de Jong (2005): Xiphophorus milleri Rosen, 1960. Poecilia Nieuws (3): 24-26
K. D. Kallman (1989): Genetic Control of Size at Maturity in Xiphophorus. Ecology & Evolution of Livebearing Fishes (Poeciliidae) (): 163-184
K.D. Kallman & R. Borowsky (1972): The genetics of gonopodial polymorphism in two species of poecilid fish. Heredity (28): 297-310
M. Köck (2013): Mit und ohne Schwert: Die Gattung Xiphophorus Teil 3: Die Platys. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (2): 9-20
M. Köck (2014): Met en zonder zwaard: Het geslacht Xiphophorus deel 3 de platy's. Poecilia Nieuws (3): 21-41
D. Lambert (0): Xiphophorus milleri Rosen, 1960. Viviparous (34): 0-
D. Lambert (1990): Mexico - the livebearer trail part 1. Aquarist & Pondkeeper (March): 62-
A.C. Radda (1982): Synopsis der Gattung Xiphophorus Heckel. DGLZ-Rundschau (2): 25-30
C. Raulier (2014): Xiphophorus milleri, un platy <sauvage> très interéssant peu connu. Le Vivipare (120): 4-10
D.E. Rosen (1960): Middle-American Poeciliid Fishes of the genus Xiphophorus. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum (4): 58-243
R. Serva & G. Tash (1998): Lake Catemaco swordtail - Xiphophorus milleri. Livebearers (153): 9-11
H. Stallknecht (1970): Xiphophorus milleri Rosen 1960, Millers Schwerttäger. Aquarien Terrarien (10): 0-0
S. Thamm (1991): Eine interessante "Graue Maus" oder die Pflege und Zucht des Catemaco-Platy. TI (106): 18-19
L. Wischnath (1982): Naar Mexico, het land van de levendbarenden. TI'H (29): 39-41
L. Wischnath (1982): Wildvormen van platy's. TI'H (30): 6-9
L. Wischnath (1983): Gele en rode wildvormen van het geslacht Xiphophorus. Het Aquarium (9): 220-223
L. Wischnath (1996): Wildvormen van het geslacht Xiphophorus deel 3 - platy's. Het Aquarium (1): 7-9
Xiphophorus mixei Kallman, Walter, Morizot & Kazianis 2004
H. Auer (2012): Von fastende Koyoten und großen Ichthyologen - Keine Namenskunde von den Schwertträgern. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (1): 22-25
T. Coletti (2010): Livebearer unlimited The southern swordtails. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (Feb): 32-34
H. Hieronimus (2004): Zwei neue Schwertträger aus dem oberen Coatzacoalcos-Gebiet. DGLZ-Rundschau (4): 87-89
K.D. Kallman et al (2004): Two new species of Xiphophorus from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico, with a discussion of the distribution of the X. clemenciae clade. American Museum Novitates (3441): 1-34
J.H. Kang et al (2013): Comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of all species of swordtails and platies uncovers a hybrid origin of a swordtail fish, Xiphophorus monticolus, and demonstrates that the sexually selected sword originated in the
M. Köck (2012): Mit und ohne Schwert: Die Gattung Xiphophorus Teil 1: Die SüdlichenSchwertträger. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (1): 12-21
M. Köck (2012): Het geslacht Xiphophorus. Poecilia Nieuws (3): 11-27
J. de Moree (2005): Drie nieuwe zwaarddragers beschreven. Poecilia Nieuws (1): 19-20
Xiphophorus montezumae Jordan & Snyder, 1900
G. Alcaraz & V. Urrutia (2008): Growth in response to sustained swimming in young montezumae swordtails, Xiphophorus montezumae. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology (1): 65-72
H. Auer (2012): Von fastende Koyoten und großen Ichthyologen - Keine Namenskunde von den Schwertträgern. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (1): 22-25
A.L. Basolo & G. Alcaraz (2003): The turn of the sword: length increases male swimming costs in swordtails. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. (270): 1631-1636
R. de Boer & T. Woeltjes (1986): Enkele levendbarende tandkarpers uit Mexico. Het Aquarium (9): 227-230
R. Borowsky (1978): The tailspot polymorphism of Xiphophorus (Pisces: Poeciliidae). Evolution (4): 886-893
T. Coletti (2007): Montezuma's revenge Part II: strains of the day. Livebearers (197): 14-21
T. Coletti (2007): Montezuma's revenge Part 1: a history of many names. Livebearers (196): 7-13
T. Coletti (2010): Livebearers unlimited The northern mountain swordtails. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (March): 32-35
T. Coletti (2015): 10 Livebearers for your wishlist. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (5): 60-64
I. Dibble (2008): Monterrey to Morelia, Mexico 2006. Livebearers (203): 12-25
C. Eibner, s. Pittlik, A. Meyer & G. Begemann (2008): An organizer controls the development of the "sword", a sexually selected trait in swordtail fish. Evolution & Development (4): 403-412
D. Franck (1970): Verhaltungsgenetische Untersuchungen an Artbastarden der Gattung Xiphophorus (Pisces). Z. Tierpsychol. (1): 1-34
M. Gordon (1938): The genetics of Xiphophorus hellerii: Heredity in Montezuma, a Mexican swordtail fish. Copeia (1): 19-29
M. Gordon (1993): Search for the pygmy swordtail. Livebearers (127): 4-10
R.J. Herrera (1979): Preferenctial gene expression of an amylase allele in interspecific hybrids in Xiphophorus (Pisces: Poeciliidae). Biochemical Genetics (3/4): 223-227
H. Hieronimus (1992): Die kleinen Schwertträger. DGLZ-Rundschau (1): 8-10
H. Hieronimus (2013): Schwert- und Längenentwicklung bei Xiphophorus montezumae. DGLZ-Rundschau (1): 20-23
M. Holly, H. Meinken & A. Rachow (1962): Xiphophorus montezumae Jordan und Snyder. (IX): 1181-1182
K. de Jong (1988): Revisie van de Xiphophorus montezumae/cortezi groep en beschrijving van een nieuwe ondersoort. Poecilia Nieuws (6): 83-86
K. de Jong (1995): De Montezuma-zwaarddrager. Poecilia Nieuws (3): 49-54
K. de Jong (1997): De montezuma-zwaarddrager. Aquariumwereld (3): 69-72
K. de Jong (2003): Auf der Suche nach den Schwertträgern, Mexiko 2002 (Teil 1). Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (3/4): 53-67
K. de Jong (2003): Op zoek naar zwaarddragers Mexico 2002 (tweede deel). Poecilia Nieuws (5): 70-82
K. de Jong (2004): Auf der Suche nach den Schwertträgern Mexiko 2002 (Teil 2). Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (1): 5-17
K. de Jong (2004): De zwaarddrager wildvormen voor iedere aquariaan interessant. Poecilia Nieuws (4): 8-16
K. de Jong (2013): Levendbarende tandkarpers. Meer dan guppen, platy's en molly's. Houden van Vissen (4): 36-41
K. de Jong (2017): Levendbarende tandkarpers. Meer dan guppen, platy's en molly's. Het Aquarium (2): 29-37
D.S. Jordan & J.O. Snyder (1900): Notes on a collection of fishes from the rivers of Mexico with description of twenty new species. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission (): 115-147
K. D. Kallman (1983): The sex determining mechanism of the poeciliid fish, Xiphophorus montezumae, and the genetic control of the sexual maturation process and adult size. Copeia (3): 755-769
K. D. Kallman (1989): Genetic Control of Size at Maturity in Xiphophorus. Ecology & Evolution of Livebearing Fishes (Poeciliidae) (): 163-184
J. Klungers (2005): Portretten van levendbarenden Zwaarddragers deel 2. Het Aquarium (3): 79-80
M. Köck (2013): Het geslacht Xiphophorus Deel 2 De noordelijke zwaarddragers. Poecilia Nieuws (5): 8-26
K. Kruesi & G. Alcaraz (2007): Does a sexually selected trait represent a burden in locomotion?. Journal of Fish Biology (70): 1161-1170
K. Kruesi, G.G. Rosenthal & G. Alcaraz (2011): amentation in Xiphophorus montezumae. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology (first): 1-11
P. Lambert (0): Aquarian endangered species expedition. Viviparous (21): 0-
D. Lambert (0): Xiphophorus montezumae Jordan & Snyder 1900. Viviparous (13): 0-
D. Lambert (1998): The livebearer world. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (April): 128-131
P. Lechner & A.C. Radda (1988): Revision des Xiphophorus montezumae/cortezi-Komplexes und Neubeschreibung einer Subspezies. DGLZ-Rundschau (2): 4-11
J. Lyons (2017): Adventures among the wild livebearers of Mexico: Northern Swordtails. Livebearers (234): 5-10
D.A. McLennan & M.J. Ryan (1999): Interspecific recognition and discrimination bases upon olfactory cues in Northern swordtails. Evolution (3): 880-888
M.K. Meyer (1989): Mexiko Teil 3. DGLZ-Rundschau (1): 4-13
D.C. Morizot, R. B. Walter (2003): Das Xiphophorus Genetic Stock Center. DGLZ-Rundschau (2): 31-35
M.R. Morris & K. Casey (2001): Phylogenetic relationships among populations of norther swordtails (Xiphophorus) as inferred from allozyme data. Copeia (1): 65-81
M.R. Morris, M. S. Tudor & N.S. Dubois (2007): Sexually selected signal attracted females before deterring aggression in rival males. Anim. Behav. (74): 1189-1197
A.C. Radda (1982): Synopsis der Gattung Xiphophorus Heckel. DGLZ-Rundschau (2): 25-30
G. Sage (1999): Beginning a selective breeding program. Livebearers (157): 8-12
A. Savastio (1989): Disease resistance in the genus Xiphophorus. Livebearers (106): 13-14
F.F. Schmidt (1978): Mexico - een vissenparadijs. Het Aquarium (5): 121-125
T. Schulz (1983): Ein neuer Schwertträger aus Mexiko?. DATZ (augustus): 287-288
J. Seckinger, H. Brinkmann & A. Meyer (2002): Microsatellites in the genus Xiphophorus, developed in Xiphophorus montezumae. Molecular Ecology Notes (2): 4-6
L. Seegers (1985): De watervallen van Tamasopo. TI'H (41): 12-15
R. Serva (2005): The Genus Xiphophorus Part 1, the Swordtails. Livebearers (184): 4-25
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G. Streibel (1982): Freilandhälterung einiger lebendgebärender Zahnkarpfen. DGLZ-Rundschau (4): 64-65
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L. Wischnath (1978): Wildvormen van zwaarddragers. TI'H (14): 5-8
L. Wischnath (1981): Aquaristische noviteiten uit Mexico. TI'H (24): 38-38
L. Wischnath (1987): Lebendgebärende Zahnkarpfen aus Mexiko. Aquarien Magazin (8): 336-340
L. Wischnath (1992): Neue Namen bei großen und kleinen Schwertträgern. Das Aquarium (August): 10-12
L. Wischnath (1995): Zwaarddrager wildvormen, deel 2. Het Aquarium (12): 290-293
O. Wojtkowiak (1986): Swordtails: my favorite livebearer. Livebearers (86): 3-4
Xiphophorus monticolus Kallman, Walter, Morizot & Kazianis 2004
T. Coletti (2010): Livebearer unlimited The southern swordtails. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (Feb): 32-34
H. Hieronimus (2004): Zwei neue Schwertträger aus dem oberen Coatzacoalcos-Gebiet. DGLZ-Rundschau (4): 87-89
H. Hieronimus (2013): Neues bei Xiphophorus - Genetische Untersuchungen der Verwandschaftsbeziehungen. DGLZ-Rundschau (1): 5-7
J. Hyoun Kang et al (2013): Comprohensive phylogenetic analysis of all species of swordtails and platies uncovers a hybrid origin of a swordtail fish,Xiphophorus monticolus, and demonstrates that the sexually selected sword originated in the
K.D. Kallman et al (2004): Two new species of Xiphophorus from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico, with a discussion of the distribution of the X. clemenciae clade. American Museum Novitates (3441): 1-34
J.H. Kang et al (2013): Comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of all species of swordtails and platies uncovers a hybrid origin of a swordtail fish, Xiphophorus monticolus, and demonstrates that the sexually selected sword originated in the
M. Köck (2012): Mit und ohne Schwert: Die Gattung Xiphophorus Teil 1: Die SüdlichenSchwertträger. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (1): 12-21
M. Köck (2012): Het geslacht Xiphophorus. Poecilia Nieuws (3): 11-27
J. de Moree (2005): Drie nieuwe zwaarddragers beschreven. Poecilia Nieuws (1): 19-20
Xiphophorus multilineatus Rauchenberger, Kallman & Morizot, 1990
M. Ah-King & P.A. Gowaty (2016): A conceptual review of mate choice: stochastic demography, within-sex phenotypic plasticity, and individual flexibility. Ecology and Evolution (14): 4607-4642
A.L. Basolo & G. Alcaraz (2003): The turn of the sword: length increases male swimming costs in swordtails. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. (270): 1631-1636
A.J. Beard (0): Xiphophorus multilineatus. Viviparous (15): 0-
L.M. Bono, O. Rios-Cardenas & M.R. Morris (2011): Alternative life histories in Xiphophorus multilineatus: evidence for different ages at sexual maturity and growth respnses in the wild. Journal of Fish Biology (78): 1311-1322
S.W. Coleman & A.G. Jones (2013): Patterns of multiple paternity and maternity in fishes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (103): 735-760
T. Coletti (2010): Livebearers unlimited The northern mountain swordtails. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (March): 32-35
I. Dibble (2008): Monterrey to Morelia, Mexico 2006. Livebearers (203): 12-25
H. Hieronimus (1993): Brutzyklus kleiner Schwertträger. DGLZ-Rundschau (3): 63-64
K. Jacobs (1976): Schwertträger Xiphophorus pygmaeus nigrensis. Das Aquarium (12): 536-536
K. de Jong (2003): Auf der Suche nach den Schwertträgern, Mexiko 2002 (Teil 1). Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (3/4): 53-67
K. de Jong (2003): Op zoek naar zwaarddragers in Mexico 2002. Poecilia Nieuws (4): 54-68
K. de Jong (2004): De zwaarddrager wildvormen voor iedere aquariaan interessant. Poecilia Nieuws (4): 8-16
M. Köck (2012): Mit und ohne Schwert; Die Gattung Xiphophorus Teil 2: Die Nördlichen Schwertträger. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (2): 12-25
M. Köck (2013): Het geslacht Xiphophorus Deel 2 De noordelijke zwaarddragers. Poecilia Nieuws (5): 8-26
M. Köck (2015): Hin und zurück - die Geschichte zweier Österreicher in Mexiko. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (2): 37-43
D. Lambert (0): Xiphophorus nigrensis Rosen, 1960. Viviparous (11): 0-2
J. Luo, M. Schartl & A. Meyer (2005): Strong reproductive skew among males in the multiply mated swordtail Xiphophorus multilineatus (Teleostei). Journal of Heredity (4): 346-355
E. Meinema (1991): Vier nieuwe zwaarddragers van het Rio Panuco stroomgebied (Oost Mexico). Poecilia Nieuws (2): 28-30
M.K. Meyer (1996): Schwertträger Xiphophorus helleri- und X. nigrensis-Komplex. Das Aquarium (329): 14-17
D.C. Morizot, R. B. Walter (2003): Das Xiphophorus Genetic Stock Center. DGLZ-Rundschau (2): 31-35
M.R. Morris & K. Casey (2001): Phylogenetic relationships among populations of norther swordtails (Xiphophorus) as inferred from allozyme data. Copeia (1): 65-81
M.R. Morris & M.J. Ryan (1992): Breeding cycles of natural populations of X. nigrensis, X. multilineatus and X. pygmaeus. Copeia (4): 1074-1077
M.R. Morris & M.J. Ryan (1995): Large body size in the pygmy swordtail Xiphophorus pygmaeus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (54): 383-395
M.R. Morris & M.J. Ryan (1996): Sexual difference in signal-receiver coevolution. Anim. Behav. (52): 1017-1024
M.R. Morris, L. Gass & M.J. Ryan (1995): Assessment and individual recognition of opponents in the pygmy swordtails Xiphophorus nigrensis and X. multilineatus. Behav Ecol Sociobiol (37): 303-310
M.R. Morris, M. Mussel & M.J. Ryan (1995): Vertical bars on male Xiphophorus multilineatus: a signal that deters rival males and attracts females. Behavioral Ecology (3): 274-279
M.R. Morris, O. Rios-Cardenas & J. Brewer (2010): Variation in mating preference within wild population influences the mating succes of alternative mating strategies. Anim. Behav. (79): 673-678
M. Rauchenberger, K. Kallmann & D.C. Morizot (1990): Monophyly and Geography of the Rio Panuco Basin Swordtails with description of four new species. American Museum Novitates (2975): 1-41
O. Rios-Cardenas, J. Brewer & M.R. Morris (2013): Maternal investment in the swordtail fish Xiphophorus multilineatus: support for the differential allocation hypothesis. Plos1ne (12): 1-9
O. Rios-Cardenas, M. Scarlett Tudor & M. Morris (2007): Female preference variation has implications for the maintenance of an alternative mating strategy in a swordtail fish. Anim. Behav. (74): 633-649
G.G. Rosenthal et al (2001): Shared preferences by predators and females for male ornaments in swordtails. The American Naturalist (2): 146-154
C. van de Sande (1996): Xiphophorus multilineatus Rauchenberger, Kallman & Morizot, 1990. Poecilia Nieuws (2): 38-41
C. van de Sande (2002): Hoe houd ik mijn vissen?. Poecilia Nieuws (1): 10-12
C. van de Sande (2003): Xiphophorus multilineatus Rauchenberger, Kallmann & Morizot, 1990. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (2): 31-34
R. Serva (2005): The Genus Xiphophorus Part 1, the Swordtails. Livebearers (184): 4-25
R. Serva & G. Rosenthal (2011): The high-backed pygmy swordtail (Xiphophorus multilineatus) from the Río Coy. Livebearers (213): 30-36
R. Serva & G. Tash (1997): Xiphophorus multilineatus. Livebearers (150): 11-13
L. Wischnath (0): Noms nouveaux pour les petites et grandes expeces du genre Xiphophorus Heckel, 1848. Aquarama (): 12-14
L. Wischnath (1992): Neue Namen bei großen und kleinen Schwertträgern. Das Aquarium (August): 10-12
L. Wischnath (1995): Zwaarddrager wildvormen, deel 2. Het Aquarium (12): 290-293
Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl Rauchenberger, Kallman & Morizot, 1990
B. Allen (2007): A hybrid of Xiphophorus helleri x X. nezahuacoyotl. Livebearers (197): 22-25
H. Auer (2012): Von fastende Koyoten und großen Ichthyologen - Keine Namenskunde von den Schwertträgern. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (1): 22-25
C. Cheswright (0): A Christmas trip to Mexico. Viviparous (42): 0-
C. Cheswright (2002): Mexico Christmas 1997. Livebearer News (2): 32-33
T. Coletti (2007): Montezuma's revenge Part 1: a history of many names. Livebearers (196): 7-13
T. Coletti (2010): Livebearers unlimited The northern mountain swordtails. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (March): 32-35
A.A. Fernandez & P.R. Bowser (2008): Two cases of non-hybrid melanoma formation in Xiphophorus nezahuacoyotl Rauchenberger, Kallman & Morizot. Journal of Fish Biology (72): 292-300
M. Gordon (1953): The ecological niche of the Pygmy swordtail, Xiphophorus Pygmaeus, in the Rio Axtla, Mexico. copeia (3): 148-150
H. Hieronimus (1992): Die kleinen Schwertträger. DGLZ-Rundschau (1): 8-10
K. Jacobs (1976): Der Montezuma-Schwertträger. Das Aquarium (9): 6-7
K. de Jong (1995): De Montezuma-zwaarddrager. Poecilia Nieuws (3): 49-54
K. de Jong (2003): Auf der Suche nach den Schwertträgern, Mexiko 2002 (Teil 1). Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (3/4): 53-67
K. de Jong (2003): Op zoek naar zwaarddragers in Mexico 2002. Poecilia Nieuws (4): 54-68
K. de Jong (2004): De zwaarddrager wildvormen voor iedere aquariaan interessant. Poecilia Nieuws (4): 8-16
M. Köck (2012): Mit und ohne Schwert; Die Gattung Xiphophorus Teil 2: Die Nördlichen Schwertträger. Das Lebendgebärenden Magazin (2): 12-25
M. Köck (2013): Het geslacht Xiphophorus Deel 2 De noordelijke zwaarddragers. Poecilia Nieuws (5): 8-26
D. Lambert (1995): Xiphophorus nezahuacoyotl. Viviparous (29): 0-
D. Lambert (1998): The livebearer world. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (April): 128-131
J. Lyons (2017): Adventures among the wild livebearers of Mexico: Northern Swordtails. Livebearers (234): 5-10
S.M. Lyons & M.R. Morris (2008): Headstands: a sexually selected signal in the swordtail fish Xiphophorus nezahuacoyotl. Behaviour (145): 1247-1262
D. Macallister (2010): Xiphophorus nezahuacoyotl. Livebearer News (30): 35-37
L. van der Meer (2006): Xiphophorus nezahuacoyotl. Poecilia Nieuws (1): 12-13
E. Meinema (1991): Vier nieuwe zwaarddragers van het Rio Panuco stroomgebied (Oost Mexico). Poecilia Nieuws (2): 28-30
M.R. Morris (2004): Xiphophorus fishes: a model system for evolutionary studies. Livebearers (182): 12-17
M.R. Morris & K. Casey (2001): Phylogenetic relationships among populations of norther swordtails (Xiphophorus) as inferred from allozyme data. Copeia (1): 65-81
M.R. Morris, M. S. Tudor & N.S. Dubois (2007): Sexually selected signal attracted females before deterring aggression in rival males. Anim. Behav. (74): 1189-1197
M.R. Morris, O. Rios-Cardenas & A. Darrah (2008): Male mating tactics in the northern mountain swordtail fish (Xiphophorus nezahuacoyotl): coaxing and coercing females to mate. Ethology (114): 977-988
T. Neal (1997): The northern mountain swordtail A beautiful wild type swordtail. Livebearers (149): 6-8
F. Padmos (2012): Werkgroep Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl. Poecilia Nieuws (4): 20-23
M. Rauchenberger, K. Kallmann & D.C. Morizot (1990): Monophyly and Geography of the Rio Panuco Basin Swordtails with description of four new species. American Museum Novitates (2975): 1-41
G. Sage (2000): Gold or white or what?. Livebearers (160): 15-16
G. Sage (2000): Beginning a selective breeding program, part 2. Livebearers (162): 5-10
R. Serva (2005): The Genus Xiphophorus Part 1, the Swordtails. Livebearers (184): 4-25
R. Serva (2009): Xiphophorus nezahuacoyotl - the northern swortail. Livebearers (204): 30-32
R. Serva (2010): Xiphophorus nezahuacoyotl - the Northern swordtail. Livebearers (208): 19-21
G. Takeshita (2003): The white Nezzie (X. nezahuacoyotl). Livebearers (175): 4-7
G. Takeshita (2003): Xiphophorus nezahuacoyotl x X. helleri hybrid. Livebearers (179): 28-30
J.J. Wiens (2001): Widespread loss of sexually selected traits: how the peacock lost its spots. Trends in Ecology & Evolution (9): 517-523
L. Wischnath (0): Noms nouveaux pour les petites et grandes expeces du genre Xiphophorus Heckel, 1848. Aquarama (): 12-14
L. Wischnath (1992): Neue Namen bei großen und kleinen Schwertträgern. Das Aquarium (August): 10-12
L. Wischnath (1994): Wildformen Lebendgebärender Zahnkarpfen Teil 2: Schwertträger. Das Aquarium (302): 16-18
L. Wischnath (1995): Zwaarddrager wildvormen, deel 2. Het Aquarium (12): 290-293
Xiphophorus nigrensis Rosen, 1960
(1987): Zwaarddragers paren liever niet met eigen soort. Het Aquarium (12): 312-312
J.M. Artigas Azas (2014): Sie kamen aus Mexiko- die Schwertträger und ihr Lebensraum. Amazonas (März/April): 22-27
C. Cheswright (0): A Christmas trip to Mexico. Viviparous (42): 0-
T. Coletti (2010): Livebearers unlimited The northern mountain swordtails. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (March): 32-35
D. Crapon de Caprona & M. J. Ryan (1990): Conspecific mate recognition in swordtails, Xiphophorus nigrensis and X. pygmaeus (Poeciliidae): olfactory and visual cues. Anim. Behav. (39): 290-296
M. Cummings & D. Mollaghan (2006): Repeatability and consistency of female preference behaviours in a northern swordtail, Xiphophorus nigrensis. Anim. Behav. (72): 217-224
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Xiphophorus 'roseni'
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Xiphophorus signum Rosen & Kallman, 1969
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Xiphophorus sp
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Xiphophorus sp apodaca
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M. Köck (2014): Met en zonder zwaard: Het geslacht Xiphophorus deel 3 de platy's. Poecilia Nieuws (3): 21-41
Xiphophorus sp regio
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Xiphophorus variatus (Meek, 1904)
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